
$3 Million in Healthcare Investment comes to Houma

Global healthcare company Grifols opens Biomat USA Inc. plasma donation center in Houma on Feb. 14, investing $3 million into the local community. The new facility, at 1750 MLK Blvd, will provide as many as 50 local jobs once fully operational.

"We are so excited to be opening in Houma," said Chad Parr, center manager. "I expect this facility to be a benefit to our local economy while also helping to save the lives of thousands of patients around the world."

Plasma donated at Grifols plasma donor centers is used to produce important medicines for people with rare and serious conditions, such as immune deficiencies, bleeding disorders, a rare neurological disorder, a genetic form of emphysema and to treat shock, trauma and burns. Grifols operates the largest network of plasma donor centers in the world that includes over 160 centers in the United States.

Grifols expects the facility will ultimately contribute more than $3.6 million annually to the local economy through payroll, donor fees and other operating expenses. TEDA expects it will generate approximately $1.6 million in new taxes for the parish over the next 10 years.

"TEDA is pleased that Grifols chose Houma for its newest plasma donation center," said Matt Rookard,  CEO for TEDA.  "The new facility represents a sizeable capital investment and good job opportunities for local health care professionals. Additionally, it will allow more dollars to flow into the local economy. We are looking forward to adding another new business to our great community."